Croc Pitch 2019 was held on October the 9th 2019 at the Darwin Innovation Hub as part of October Business Month (OBM).
This start-up pitch competition brought together:
Image credit: Northern Territory Government / Darwin Innovation Hub
Founder, Simona Paganetto, competed for the chance to win up to $100,000 in venture capital funding and an additional $50,000 Business Innovation funding from the Department of Industry Tourism and Trade. All contestants additionally had the chance to compete for a 90 day placement at an Australian Government funded Landing Pad overseas with $5,000 provided towards costs (see source).
Image credit: Northern Territory Government / Darwin Innovation Hub
I’m Plastic Free is proud to have been selected as one of the 6 finalists among all competitors and was able to apply for the Northern Territory Government Business Innovation Program grant.
Congratulations to all participants and partucularly to the three winners of this start-up pitch competition: