“The way you feed your baby is completely up to you. Formula fed is great! Breastfed is great!
Both allow you to bond with baby in different ways. No one should ever feel shamed.”
Stephanie Linda Paradiso
We totally agree with this view and leave this up to every mum to decide! However, there’s one aspect we’d like to highlight and raise awareness.
New research published in the Journal of Nature Food has shown that the recommended high-temperature process for sterilising plastic bottles and preparing formula milk caused bottles, which are mostly made with PP polypropylene, to shed millions of microplastics and trillions of even smaller nanoplastics.
On average, researchers estimated that babies are exposed to 1.6m microplastic particles a day during their first year when fed using plastic bottles. The US, Australia and European countries had the highest levels – more than 2 million particles per day, due to higher levels of bottle feeding.
Related: Plastic Free Toys: Do eco-friendly alternatives to plastic toys exist?
We are not here to alarm anyone, the numbers in this study are estimations and more research is urgently needed, however if you feel concerned, there are a few ways to have your peace of mind:
Yes, there are many solutions out there, you just have to look a bit harder for them. We’re looking for producers of baby glass bottles products to list on our www.implasticfree.com directory. If you know anyone, please get in touch via info@implasticfree.com or write in the comments below.
Browse the I’m Plastic Free directory to discover plastic pollution solutions.